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Lars E. Neste

Email:  lneste@demcolaw.com
Phone: (206) 203-6000

Lars Neste joined the firm in 2000 and is a member of the Washington and Oregon State Bar Associations. Mr. Neste’s practice focuses on real estate litigation, primarily representing some of the largest real estate brokers in Washington and Oregon.

He is approved as a continuing education instructor for real estate licensees by the Washington Department of Licensing and regularly teaches all areas of real estate law to real estate professionals. Mr. Neste has served on the Planning Committee for the Washington State Bar Association Annual Fall Real Estate Conference and has also taught continuing legal education courses for attorneys. Mr. Neste is actively involved in the creation and updating of real estate industry forms and practices.

Mr. Neste is a 1998 graduate of Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon where he was a member and associate editor of the Law Review and awarded the West Publishing Company Corpus Juris Secundum award in 1996. Lars enjoys boating, dirt biking and skiing for recreation.

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